7 ways to boost your self-confidence


How are you feeling today?

Feeling low or high or somewhere in between? Don’t doubt yourself, you might be able to identify yourself by the end of this article.

In a nutshell, self-confidence has always been defined as a feeling of one’s abilities, qualities, and capabilities. Important to health and mental well-being, self-confidence actually helps to make one successful in their personal and professional life. If one can occasionally feel insecure or unmotivated, there could be a few things that are currently affecting their opinions. Also known as self-esteem, if you lack it, it can have a very bad impact. When you believe in yourself, you will feel more confident and will be willing to try new things. Whether you want to learn a new language or apply for a promotion, trusting yourself is key to putting yourself out there to experience any kind of opportunity.

Feeling confident is nothing but a process to use your resources in the most effective ways to the tasks at hand. Many people waste time worrying about not being good enough, however, if one devotes their energy and puts some effort into doing the right things, they can perform better when confident.

For instance, if you feel confident in making a presentation, you will focus on delivering the message positively to your audience. If you feel lost and lack confidence in communication, you may worry about who is listening and end up messing up too. Consequently, if you struggle to concentrate, you may stumble over some words too. Fortunately, there is nothing to worry about. There are a few things you can do to boost your self-esteem where you lack it or struggling with it. Here is a list of things to do that can help build or improve your confidence

7 Ways to boost your self-confidence

Self-confidence requires efforts and these easy strategies can lead you up the ladder to rapidly grow your confidence levels.

1. Start small by setting smaller goals

Many of you make a mistake of shooting in the air, and when they fail, they are discouraged. Instead, plan small. Something that is much more achievable. Set a goal you know you can achieve, so you feel good about accomplishing it in the end. This way, you can set many small goals and achieve that. Once you continue to be at it, you will feel a lot more confident and will be well prepared to set bigger goals and achieving them too.

2. Think positive in every situation you experience

Think positive. One of the simplest things to do and start with. It is important that you learn to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. How exactly can you do that? You have to train your mind and respond to things with a positive reaction. Take time to think about what you really want and kill those negative thoughts! By doing this, you will only learn to make great things happen. Try if you haven’t as yet!

3. Get Prepared

It can be really hard to be confident if you do not think that you’ll do well at something or at any task assigned. Get over that feeling and take every opportunity as a challenge. Prepare yourself as much as possible. For example, if you haven’t studied for the upcoming exams, you won’t feel confident in your abilities to perform well. But if you study and prepare yourself, you can do much better or even best with so much confidence. Now, think about it and always remember to prepare yourself.

4. Increase competence

What can make you become more competent? And how exactly can you do that? By studying, practicing and being prepared. Just try and focus on doing small bits at a time. For instance, if you want to be a more competent writer, don’t try to tackle the entire profession of writing at all once. Take it step-by-step. Perhaps, begin with writing a journal, then a blog, then poems or short stories, or freelance writing for brands/clients. It is true that the more you focus on what you love to do, the better you will be at it. Try setting 30 minutes aside a day to write and this practice will increase your competence as well as confidence levels.

5. Focus on solutions than problems

If you are a complainer or someone who focuses more on the problems, change that habit now. By focusing on solutions rather than problems can help you solve some of the best mysteries in your career. Coming up with possible and simple solutions to complex situations can actually make you feel confident about yourself. So, how can you do that? It’s simple, motivate yourself! Motivate in finding different methods that work best for you.

6. Empower yourself with Wisdom

By empowering yourself with knowledge, in general, can boost your self-esteem easily. You can do this in many ways, as this is one of the surest methods for building self-confidence. Considered as one of the best strategies, this goes along the same vein as building competence and getting yourself well prepared before performing any tasks. By doing some basic research on the internet on topics you love or want to learn about is the best tool. of course, you can also consider reading books, magazines.

7. Get Active than Being Lazy

This is the most important thing to do in order to boost your self-confidence levels. Get active. Doing something is always better than not doing anything at all. And this could surely lead to mistakes. For example, while we are all quarantined with the lockdown due to Corona, it gives us an opportunity to spend time with ourselves, to learn new things, a new skill and do whatever we may have procrastinated on, before. This is how we learn. This is how we grow. Without opportunities, we’d probably never learn and without mistakes, we’d never get better. So, do not worry about those. Just try to do something. Get off your lazy routines and get active physically, or mentally by taking steps to accomplish something.

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