
Top 10 health benefits of almonds you must know

Adding nuts to your daily diet is always healthy. Whichever nut you include - cashews, pistachios, walnuts, or almonds, they all can provide some...

5 Ultimate health benefits of lemon

A little sweet, a little sour, we all know whose bitter sour - Lemons! Yes, you got that right, the richest in vitamin C,...

Ultimate guide to Vitamin E – Introduction, benefits, deficiency, sources

Unlike any other vitamin, E is a vital nutrient to maintain good health. Found in a variety of foods and supplements, the best way...

Ultimate guide to Vitamin D – Introduction, benefits, deficiency, sources

Like how vitamin C and E continue to be the wonders of many supplement lovers, they also share some throne with vitamin D, which...

Types of Vitamin B, their deficiencies and sources

Do you know what vitamin B is important for? Sure, it helps in making sure the body’s cells function properly but what else? Well,...

10 Best food items you must include in your diet to boost immunity

Are you stocking up these healthy foods to boost immunity? You are aware that the coronavirus still continues to rise, while we all hope...

Ultimate guide to Vitamin C – Introduction, benefits, deficiency, sources

Vitamin C, which is commonly also known as L-ascorbic acid, today has many effects on people who know about the benefits of it. A...

Ultimate guide to Vitamin A – Introduction, benefits, deficiency, sources

Do you know what is key to eye health? Vitamin A! A fat-soluble vitamin that is not just good for your overall health, but...

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The art of persuation

‘At the end of reasons comes persuasion’ Ludwig Wittgenstein Persuasion is...

7 Important health benefits of workouts other than weight loss

Workouts are not only fun and help in weight...

Latest news

The art of persuation

‘At the end of reasons comes persuasion’ Ludwig Wittgenstein Persuasion is the process of presenting an idea that does have the...

7 Important health benefits of workouts other than weight loss

Workouts are not only fun and help in weight loss, but there are numerous more health benefits of workouts...

6 Weekend travel destinations you must visit when the lockdown is over

It is true that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought travel to a standstill. No doubt, after the lockdown, travel...

10 Bollywood movies that exposed the dark side of Indian society

Have you ever pondered about the dark side of Indian society? In Bollywood, the filmmakers are either weaving stories...

10 Alarming reasons why you must quit the stick immediately!

The perils of smoking are known to all, yet people end up spending half their livelihood on cigarettes! Ignoring...
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