Exciting ways for your child to learn a new skill


In today’s world, children are very creative in their work and they are smarter in everything they do. Sometimes, children are also very addicted to mobiles, iPads and video games. Due to this their learning ability is getting reduced. Moreover, In schools, students spend only an average of one hour with the extra curriculum. Remaining time, they are forced to follow academic portions. By doing this repeatedly, sometimes children get bored and stressed. As a parent, you should make your child excitedly learn new skills. Moreover, children also like to have an exciting way of learning. By excitingly learning new skills, children explore more and they actively participate. This article explains a few exciting ways for your children to learn a new skill.

1. Gardening

Children get numerous benefits from gardening. First and foremost thing in gardening is, you can teach the value of trees. Addition to that, the children learn more about the lifecycle of a plant, benefits of specific trees, and so on., By nurturing the habit of gardening, children spend more time in the garden and develop it as a hobby. Moreover, they could learn germination of seeds, plucking of vegetables, planting in a very exciting way. When parents develop this habit towards kids, usage of video games, the usage of Smartphone’s gets reduced. They effectively explore their learning.

2. Art and craftworks

Another exciting way for your children to learn a new skill is through art and craftworks. Not only is creativity developed when your children play with art and craftworks. They can also have numerous learning’s from craftworks. They come across different shapes, paper works and miniature crafts. By learning these kinds of activities, they can showcase them in school and can be felt very proud. Moreover, learning new skills from craftworks makes the kid differentiate from fellow members. By nurturing these teachings, they can make it a hobby and get achieved.

3. Human Knot

Teamwork is an essential and basic skill for children. One of the important skills for the real world is teamwork. When the children grow up, they are forced to be in a team and coordinate it. If the habit of team working is not nurtured, then the child may face many difficulties. As a parent, you have to make your kid actively participate in teamwork activities. One such teamwork activity is the human knot. By practicing this activity regularly, you can teach your kid to compete and compromise. This activity is very useful for the future of your child.

4. Money Savings

Another important skill needed for your children is money management. In today’s world, even adults fail to save money for their future. So to avoid this scenario, engage your child to save money in the piggy bank. By practicing this habit, the children know the value of the money. Provide them with a few money weekly and practice them to save for a future purpose. Once the piggy bank is full, gift the child as encouragement. By encouraging continuously they learn the value of the money. By nurturing these skills, it helps the future of your child.

5. Use Atlas, Map and Globe

Every child likes to explore and travel more. Some parents can afford and some cannot. So make your child learn from the atlas, map and globe. Through Atlas and maps, the child could learn about capitals, climates, culture, people and many more. By nurturing these skills, children learn more about the world inside a room. As they come across with many eagerness, they can develop new skills and learning ability. Moreover, by teaching this at home, the child is able to learn before the school teacher teaches. When the school mentor teaches the same, they answer their questions instantly without hesitation.


Children’s learning is endless. Nowadays children are very smart and tend to learn more and achieve high. They cannot succeed only with the help of school mentors and schools. Parents also have many responsibilities for their children. The above mentioned exciting ways are only a few parts to develop new skills. Apart from those skills, there are many skills which can be nurtured among the children. Many children are not interested in routine and classes. As a parent, teach them new skills in exciting learning and fun way learning. This can reduce the stress and boredom of the children and makes the kid actively participate. Additionally, as they nurture these skills in childhood they can also develop their hobbies too.

Varshini Murali
Varshini Murali
Varshini Murali is a content strategist of SchoolBasix, who research on latest topics what education industry speaks about. Specializes in handling blogs  that potential means of marketing and circulating across social media and holds a masters degree in marketing.

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