7 Surprising benefits of Aloe Vera for your skin and how to use it


If you haven’t heard of the umpteen benefits of Aloe vera from your mother or grandma while growing up, then you’re going to be surprised by how wondrous this shrub is for the skin! Passed down through generations, there’s a reason why hair and beauty industries swear by the countless benefits of aloe vera. Call it a natural therapist if you like, its scale as a skin remedy is boundless. Whether you have dry, oily or sensitive skin, its effects are miraculously satisfying. The clear gel-like substance that the aloe leaf contains is rich not only in minerals like magnesium, potassium, and zinc but also vitamins A, B, C, D, and E making it safe for external and internal use.

Though aloe vera is available in various forms today, we’d say you stick to the original gel. Like honey, the more authentic the better… likewise, nothing beats freshly extracted aloe vera gel. Still, wondering as to why you need it? Here are 7 surprising benefits of aloe vera that will make you want it in your beauty regime, right away!

7 Surprising Benefits of Aloe Vera For Your Skin

1. Relieves Skin Irritation

A natural cooling agent, aloe vera is a must-have on your shelf in summer. Its cooling properties not only relieve itchiness, redness, rashes, and sunburn but are ideal for treating eczema and psoriasis as well. Gentle on sensitive skin, it also contains the anti-fungal Acemannan that helps suppress inflammation, treat heat boils and cysts too. 

2. Moisturizes Dry and Flaky Skin

Did you know aloe vera is 98.5-99.5% water? Making it one of the most hydrating substances for skin that locks in the moisture too without leaving a greasy feeling. Plus, the gel-like substance acts like a glue that heals the natural barrier of the skin and returns it to its prime shine and softness. A light moisturizer, it’s ideal for sensitive and oily skin as well.

3. Fights Premature Aging

Considering our stressful routines, premature aging is a given. However, aloe vera helps fight visible fine lines and wrinkles too. Rich in moisturizing properties, it retains the skin’s natural suppleness and adds a glowing radiance to the texture. So, the next time you feel your skin is looking dull, dry and saggy, reach out to this magical plant in your garden.

4. Reduces Acne and fades blemishes

Stubborn zits are real mood spoilers, aren’t they? But not if you have aloe vera in the house. It’s anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties soothe and reduce redness caused by acne to a great extent and prevent the bacteria from spreading too. Plus, aloe vera has salicylic acid which makes it non-comedogenic and perfect to deal with blackheads and pimples. And it doesn’t stop there, aloe gel lightens scars and acne blemishes too. All in all, a perfect remedy to keep acne at bay!

5. Eliminates Dark Circles & Puffiness

Nobody likes dark circles and under-eye puffiness! Why endure it when you can get rid of them with aloe vera? The vitamin E in the gel helps in decolorization and since it is a cooling agent, it counters puffiness too. Apply aloe vera under eyes at night and bid dark circles and puffiness goodbye forever.

6. Soothes Sunburn

Sunburn can trigger irritation and inflammation on the skin. Worse, it can lead to redness and rashes too, especially in summer. Spread freshly extracted aloe vera gel gently on the affected areas or all over the skin. The cooling properties in the Aloe vera gel will instantly calm your skin and gradually reduce the redness and itchiness caused due to sunburn.

7. Lightly Exfoliates

Other than soothing, repairing and moisturizing, aloe vera has exfoliating properties too. Though not hardcore, it cleanses dead skin gently, whereas the lignin in aloe vera help enhances the penetrating power of other ingredients, making it a perfect exfoliator for sensitive skin too.

So, isn’t Aloe vera full of benefits making it a wonderful plant?

How To Use Aloe Vera?

beauty benefits of Aloe vera

A remedy for flawless, soft and smooth skin, now that we know the benefits of aloe vera, here’s how you can use it. 

Directly To Skin:

Since it has less to no side effects, it is safe enough to be applied directly to the skin. Freshly extracted aloe can do wonders for your skin whether it is dry, oily, normal or sensitive. 

  • Cut the leave into half, peel off the thorns and gently rub the gel part on the skin
  • You can also extract the gel with a spoon or a knife, blend it in a mixer and store it for later use
  • Ideally, we’d suggest to apply aloe vera at night and wash it off in the morning for best results

DIY Pack for Dry Skin:

Be it summer or winter, dryness and white patches signal a lack of moisture in the skin. Aloe vera is 95% water – it hydrates, retains moisture and brings back the natural suppleness. However, for best results, you can try this DIY aloe vera pack for dry skin at home: 

Ingredients: 1 diced cucumber, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel

  • Blend cucumber in a mixer and then add aloe vera and honey to the paste
  • Apply it on the face, neck and affected areas and leave it on for 20 minutes
  • Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry
  • Both aloe vera and cucumber have high-water contents that will hydrate your skin intensely and leave it soft and supple

DIY Pack for Oily Skin:

Oily skin is easily prone to acne and pimples. Use aloe vera to regulate oil secretion and reduce the chances of a breakout due to the accumulation of dust and bacteria. It’s anti-fungal and cleansing properties work like a dream and helps reduce excess oil and eliminate greasiness. However, for best results, here a DIY pack for oily skin that you can prepare at home:

Ingredients: A half slice of aloe vera leaf, 8-10 drops of tea tree oil

  • Extract the gel from the aloe vera leaf, make a paste and add tea tree oil
  • Apply it on the face at night and wash it the next day. Follow the routine twice a week for best results
  • Tea tree oil helps control excess oil and reduces overall greasiness

A blessing to the beauty world, no wonder dermatologists and beauty fanatics trust aloe vera for smooth and flawless skin. Easily available at plant nurseries, there’s no reason why this magical shrub shouldn’t be in your beauty regime. Go try those DIY masks and pamper your skin with the goodness of aloe vera. Also, if you have a suggestion or tips to share, write to us in the comments below!

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