Know more about addiction treatment therapies and their types


Why Therapy is needed?

NIDA has collected data over the past 40years and outlines several principles to improve the odds that were in the success of any recovery or addiction treatment. Which thereby lowers the risk of relapse, drug usage, etc. The principle notations have the following things.

  • When addiction is given proper treatment, it can be recovered from.
  • Treatment should be given for the individual person, rather than the type of addiction.
  • Initially, if the patient is not a volunteer, this kind of treatment can be helpful to them.
  • Medications were important in this type of treatment, whereas counseling and behavioral therapies were highly utilized.

The main challenge is there were many forms of treatment therapies, choosing the best one matters the most and it will differ from one individual to another, a proper approach is necessary for a client to require from addiction. Some of the steps to addiction recovery treatment therapies were listed below:

  • Behavioral Therapy
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Contingency Management
  • Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT)
  • Multidimensional Family Therapy
  • Integrative Approach
  • Person-Centered Therapy
  • Matrix Model


Behavioral therapy focuses on the goals that were related to the present life of the client. This therapy helps to identify the unhealthy and undesirable behaviors which influence the negativities to their clients and treat them accordingly.


It also makes use of the behavioral therapy, in which much more importance was given to the client’s emotions and feelings, they identify the negative patterns, problematic behaviors, unwanted feelings that lead them to the negative path. To help them to get away from the situations, the therapist will look for cognitive distortions that feed into these behaviors.


Based on the influence of CBT, the Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) style was evolved. This helps in treating clients who have a borderline personality disorder, self-injury like behaviors, suicide attempts and etc. DBT can also help in treating some disorders like bipolar disorders, depressions, PTSD, anxiety & eating disorders, substance use disorders. Group & Individual therapy, phone coaching were provided in this session. The session contains skills such as:

  • Mindfulness
  • Distress tolerance
  • Interpersonal effectiveness
  • Emotional regulation


The community reinforcement approach (CRA) broadens the focus beyond the client to the entire environment that impacts the client. It also follows the principles of CBT, CRA has functional analysis and behavioral skills training that was present in CBT, but in addition to that, it also emphasizes the importance of job training, relationship counseling, social/recreational counseling, and etc.


MDFT is most commonly used to identify the influences among those adults who abuse substances, the influences can be any kind of Individual, Family, Peer, Community, Educational influence.

The therapist will work with both the client and parents and in client sessions they help to

  • Improve decision-making skills
  • Improve negotiation skills
  • Increase problem-solving skills
  • Build vocational skills
  • Grow overall self-monitoring and communication skills

In parent sessions,

  • Make them understand their own parenting styles
  • It provides differences between influence and control.
  • Help them to have a healthy relationship with their child.


These treatments push and pull forces that are being enacted on the person who has substance use disorder. These include:

  • The need for individuality & togetherness.
  • Relationship triangles
  • Analyze their family history


drug addiction

The integrative approach has many styles included in treating people in their recovery process and helping them to maintain that.  In this style of approach,,  it has certain elements that were chosen from different varieties of approaches and adds family, community and many social factors to build a well-rounded treatment.


The treatment model has been found clinically approved to use for those who suffer from cocaine, meth and ADHD addictions. This model makes use of therapies like behavioral & cognitive behavioral therapy,family-based therapy to boost the benefit to their clients. It is a highly structured outpatient module, which encompasses information and homework sheets.

Treatments under this model were

  • Individual and Group counseling.
  • Relapse Analysis
  • Urine tests and breath checkups
  • 12-step meetings
  • Social support


Contingency management is also a type of behavioral therapy, which is used in the treatment of substance use, stimulants, opioids, marijuana, especially for alcohol, and nicotine. The client is provided with the desirable rewards for their activities in order to encourage them to accomplish their desired behaviors.


Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) focuses mainly on the beliefs of the client. CBT and REBT have many similarities in their behaviors. REBT views flawed, unrealistic beliefs as the center of psychological issues.


A motivational interview accomplishes of Collaboration, Evocation, Autonomy. The client themselves will be responsible for their decisions in motivational interviewing. The main goal of this is to help clients drive and desire to make exact choices rather than influenced by some external things. The session involves:

  • Initial intakes and assessments.
  • Primary therapeutic orientation.
  • Adjunct orientation.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) helps to reprocess the information that happens due to trauma. EMDR focus on:

  • Checking for symptoms.
  • Identify targets
  • Provides relaxation
  • Identifying methods to reprocess negative patterns
  • New belief installation
  • Ensures the treatment success rate

We have listed some of the treatment therapies that were different to the kind of addiction and disorders, according to the individual requirement and the kind of recovery they need, you can choose the best rehabilitation centers in Philadelphia to avail treatment for your recovery.

Suganthi is a content strategist who researches the latest topics about what addiction industry speaks about and what kind of therapy’s treatment center offer. She loves to read a lot about the happenings, particularly in the addiction/ recovery sector. She also shares her review of the recovery center of America. Specializes in handling blogs in potential means of marketing and circulating across social media.

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