10 Best tips for the perfect hair care in winters


The improper care of hairs can lead to the maximum number of problems in the winter season as the cold winds strip away the moisture of hairs. Also in winter, the environment is quite dry, which is why the retaining of moisture becomes difficult. So, to tackle all these problems one should look to change the complete hair care routine. To assist you in that, we have brought to you the 10 best tips for the perfect hair care in winters. Add and implement all these tips from the expert hair specialist to your hair care routine.

1. Deep Conditioning

hair care

The proper and deep conditioning of hairs can help you out in the proper nourishment of the hairs. Deep conditioning the hairs once per week or if your conditioning twice in a month, then it’s fine. This practice helps you in providing an extra moisture, protein, and nutrients to your hairs. Also, it is handy in preventing brittleness and breakage of hairs which is mainly faced during the winter season.

2. Control Frizz

Frizzy hair

The frizzy mess is another challenge which is being faced by the women in winter. Whether you put on a hoodie, sweater, scarf, glove, or bean, all of them leads to static and frizzy hairs. This is all due to the lack of nourishment of hairs. To control the frizzy hairs, wash your hairs with lukewarm water, instead of hot water and maintain a proper nutritional level of the hairs by oiling them on regular basis.

3. Fight The Flakes

Dandruff problem

In winter, the scalp gets dried up and itchiness is experienced. This is due to the dried up moisture in the winter, which may arise the problem of dandruff and aggravated scalp irritation. To handle this, the mixture of Olive Oil or Coconut Oil with Lemon is recommended. Take two teaspoons of gently warmed olive or coconut oil and mix them well with lemon juice. Now, massage the hairs with this mixture for 20-30 minutes, followed by a shower. Wash the hairs properly with shampoo and conditioner.

4. Go with a cold water bath

Cold water shower

In winter, taking a hot water shower will make the hairs dry and brittle as it drains the moisture out of hairs. Therefore, it is said to wash the hairs with cold water to preserve the shine and strength of hairs. Also, it is handy in preventing clogging.

5. Anti-Dandruff Hair Mask

Anti-Dandruff Hair Mask is one of the most optimal methods to control dandruff during the winter season. This will help in controlling the itchiness or irritation which is being mainly faced during the winter season. To prepare an anti-dandruff hair mask, one should soak the fenugreek seeds for the whole night, make a paste of it on the next morning. While preparing the paste, add 8-9 drops of olive oil, tea tree oil, and lemon juice (2 teaspoons) to it. Apply this paste on the hairs and keep it untouched for the next half an hour before washing it with lukewarm water.

6. Stop over-washing your hair

Hair wash

The daily washing of hairs or washing it on every second day can shred the necessary nutrients from the hairs. This practice makes the hairs dry. Therefore, never wash your hairs, more than twice in a week.

7. Seal the ends

Sealing the ends can lead to control the problem of breakage and split ends. As we have already mentioned that the hairs start to lose its moisture in the winter season, make a habit of nourishing the hairs, twice or thrice in a week. For this, massage of hairs should be done by a nutrient-rich moisturizer like Vitamin E Oil, Wheat germ oil, Olive oil, Castor oil,  etc.

8. Trim your hair

Trimming hair

If you are facing a problem of split ends, then trim the ends in every two months. This will also help in preventing the problem of breakage and supports healthier growth.

9. Hot Oil Massage

Giving a hot oil massage to your hairs will help in retaining its shine and moisture. Apart from all these, there are many more benefits of hot oil massage like treating dandruff, managing split ends, prevents dry and flaky scalp, strengthens the hairs, etc.

10. Go with Silk or Satin Winter Hats

Silk and Satin winter hats are preferred over wool, cotton, and others as they prevent the problem of breakage and split ends. So, go with a proper protective styling.

These are the 10 best tips for the perfect hair care in winters. Hope you liked our tips, keep visiting for more such content. Do write your valuable feedback by commenting in the below section.

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