6 effective home remedies to treat acidity at home


One of the most common problems faced by many, the growling experience in your stomach is quite known to be annoying. A problem that can happen at any time of the hour, day, or night this is not something you can control but surely get rid of. Yes, we are talking about Acidity. The one which is very much associated with excessive secretion of acids in the gastric glands of your stomach. Acidity, also known as gases occurs and produces bad breath, stomach ache, and other symptoms.

Acidity in your stomach can be caused by overloading your food with spices or oil, or even due to long gaps between meals, empty stomach or excessive intake of caffeine, tea, smoking, or alcohol. You may have eaten some foods rich in fat such as pizza, pasta, chips or even fries, chances are, that you may be getting acidity quite often. In order to avoid acidity, your daily habits need to change and you would have to include more water which may also be one of the causes of acidity. All the fat foods have the tendency to disturb your body’s natural pH levels and make the acids overflow causing acidity. More than usual, you will also experience heartburn which is normally triggered by consuming heavy meals or spicy food.

Taking care of your health is crucial, and getting rid of acidity which can hamper your internal systems is even more important. So, in order to avoid acidity, we often resort to remedies. However, some of it may not work, so do not fret, as we’ve got your back. In this article, we have included a list of few home remedies that may be of great help in getting rid of acidity problems.

Follow these 6 home remedies to treat acidity and watch out for the effective results

If you are suffering from acidity anytime or anywhere, you would not always have the option of checking in with your doctor. Hence, you will need to find help at home which can provide quick relief and get rid of it too. Here are easy and effective home remedies that will relieve you from digestive issues.

1. Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera with water drops

Known for its medicinal properties, Aloe Vera is often used to get relief from skin infections, scars, and burns. The pulp from the plant can help you get rid of all the toxins leaving you feeling very fresh. Aloe Vera contains strong anti-inflammatory properties and since it is one plant that is loaded with rich and powerful vitamins and amino acids, it can help cool your body. Thus, this can be used as one of the options for quick relief.

How to have:

Extract the pulp from its leaves and mix it with water. Have it twice a day for relief.

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon sticks and milled cinnamon spice.

This spice has always worked as a natural antacid against acidity and can easily settle your stomach, by getting rid of excessive gas and improving digestion and absorption. For quick relief, drink cinnamon tea or mix cinnamon in warm water with lemon to heal you from infections that may exist in the gastrointestinal tract. Loaded with healthy and beneficial properties, cinnamon is the go-to powerhouse of nutrients you can always turn to.

How to have:

Mix ¼ of cinnamon in warm water and drink it on empty stomach.

3. Buttermilk

Butter milk

Categorized as a sattvic food in Ayurveda, this is the next best remedy you can consider when you are suffering from acidity. After eating a heavy or spicy meal, if you get acidity, just drink a glass of chaas instead. Buttermilk contains lactic acid that can normalize acidity in your stomach. So, better late than never, grab a glass of buttermilk when you experience acidity next time.

How to have:

Sprinkle a pinch of black pepper or add some coriander leaves into your chaas for the best results.

4. Jaggery

health benefits of jaggery

For the sweet tooth! Here’s an option to consider if you get acidity. If you have ever wondered by our folks finish a meal with jaggery? Here’s the answer. Jaggery contains high magnesium content which can be very effective for digestion. Jaggery makes your digestive system more alkaline in nature, thus reducing the chances of acidity. Jaggery also helps to maintain the body’s normal temperature, which results in cooling the stomach. So, friends, go get a piece for yourself.

How to have:

Just suck on a small piece of jaggery after a meal, and reap the benefits

5. Ginger

Fresh Organic Ginger

Ginger has always proven to have excellent digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. And besides, ginger has many other health benefits. To help your stomach get rid of the acids, ginger is the perfect remedy that can help neutralize excessive acidity.

How to have:

Chew a small piece of fresh ginger, or steep fresh ginger in a cup of hot water and drink up. Do this two-three times a day

6. Banana

bunch of bananas

Rich in potassium, this fruit can be your best friend. When it comes to health benefits, bananas are the best fruit that holds much importance. They contain natural antacids which can easily buffer against acid reflux. The simplest home remedy, turn to this fruit to get rid of your acidity.

How to have:

Eat one banana a day to prevent discomfort.

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