8 Delicious gluten-free desserts to satiate your sweet tooth


A lot of people are now migrating to gluten free diet, whether as a part of a weight-loss regime or because of gluten intolerance. So, when you cannot have wheat-based food your food choice, particularly in India, becomes limited. Now, there comes the dilemma of desserts. No matter how much you want, you simply cannot stop the sweetness from entering your life, or mouth if you want to be literal. Where does all those gluten-rich cakes and cookies stand? What could you do to satiate your sinful desire of filling your belly with all the sweetness in the world? No wonder how much calories desserts add up, you just can’t do without them. But, worry not, we’ve got you these delicious gluten-free desserts to satiate your sweet tooth.

In fact, there are so many delectable desserts which are completely gluten-free. In truth a gluten free diet doesn’t mean you have to shy away from all the joy in the world that these sweet desserts are. There are many alternatives to wheat flour like buckwheat, amaranth, ragi etc. which can be used to prepare cookies, cakes and other delicacies. And, not all desserts require flour. There are plenty of them which don’t make use of wheat flour at all. Let’s take a look:

1. Ice-cream sundaes

Ice cream sundaes

Ice-creams probably sits at the top of all the desserts. Who can deny a delicious ice-cream sundae? Topped up with fruits, nuts, cherries and berries, as soon as you take a bite, you’re transported to a different pleasure-filled world.

2. Chocolate fudge

Chocolate fudge

You may have to let go of chocolate brownies, but that’s not the end of the world. Thank god we have chocolate fudge. Not only are chocolate fudges quite easy to prepare, you can flavour them up with a lot of ingredients like nuts, coconut, caramel, berries, cream, marshmallows etc.

3. Fruit puddings

Fruit puddings

Well, whatever your mood is you cannot say no to puddings. Add some delicious fruits to them and you have a wonderful treat. Apart from fruits, you can garnish your dessert with ingredient like whipped cream, jellies, molten chocolate, nuts, etc.

4. Flourless cakes

Gluten-free cake

If you’re a cake lover, but on a gluten-free diet, there is still hope for you. You can definitely enjoy those cakes by simply switching wheat flour to gluten-free flours. You can always tweak recipes as per your choice to make them even more delicious. In fact, these days you can easily find flourless cakes as well.

5. Pavlovas


Well, pavlovas make for another awesome gluten-free treat. You can top it up with cream, fruits, berries etc. An alternative method to add zest to your pavlovas is by whipping egg whites with dried coconuts, cocoa powder, almond meal etc.

6. Sorbets

Blackcurrant Sorbet

Sorbets are perfect desserts to satiate your sweet tooth when you’re on a weight-loss diet. You can easily prepare them at home making use of seasonal fruits. This way you’re eating a dessert while keeping it healthy. The choice of fruits is unlimited; mango, jamun, strawberries, cherries, lemon, etc.

7. Panna cotta

Panna Cotta

It may take some efforts to make Panna cotta, but all the labours are worthwhile when you savour the delightful dessert. Panna cotta is made with heavy cream, gelatin, sugar and other flavouring agents, leaving it afterwards in the refrigerator to set.

8. Energy balls

Energy balls

If you haven’t tasted them yet, you need to do it now. They make for a perfect healthy delicacy. Not only are they gluten-free, they can be taken as snacks or an on-the-go breakfast. You can add a lot of ingredients to flavour them like, nuts, raisins, chocolate chips, cranberries etc.

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