How to use red wine in skin care of your face?


No doubts wine is among the most popular alcoholic drinks. We have been making and consuming red wine since the ancient times. However, did you know that wine, a drink that has been our companion during leisure times for long, also comes with many health and beauty benefits. No wonder why people widely use red wine in skin care.

A limited intake of red wine is known to keep the heart healthy, and is also an awesome choice of drink when you’re trying to lose weight. Most known benefits of wine are attributed to the rich amounts of antioxidants in it. It’s low on calories, while high on tannins and antioxidants which fight free radicals and inflammation. And, it’s not only tattletales which boasts of these benefits but also a number of researches and studies.

Now, do you know red wine is also utilized in many a luxurious facial and spa treatment all around the globe. Red wine is considered to be among the best anti-ageing drinks, which is not simply because it reduces risk of heart diseases, brain stroke and antitheses cellular damage, but also since it has great long-standing benefits over skin and hair health.

So, before we tell you how to make use of red wine in skin treatment, let’s take a look at some of the health benefits of red wine in terms of skin.

Beauty benefits of red wine in skin care

1. Anti-ageing effects

Red wine is claimed to make you age slower. The abundance of antioxidants including resveratrol, flavonoid and tannins counter skin ageing by replenishing collagen and other elastic fibres in skin.

2. Induces beauty sleep

There is no doubt red wine helps you sleep better. Better sleep means enough time for body to heal itself, thus making skin healthier as well rest of the body. And, it’s not only the alcohol intoxication but also red wine contains melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep cycle.

3. Improves complexion

Red wine is also known to even out the skin tone and return the vibrant glow of your facial skin, which tends to disappear amid the extreme pollution and stress.

4. Prevents acne

Red wine also has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It’s due to these properties red wine may be helpful in your fight against acne. Topical application of red wine on facial skin helps in clearing clogged pores, thereby preventing acne breakouts.

Now that we have a clear idea about how beneficial red wine is in skin care, let’s see how you can use red wine at home to avail its beauty benefits.

How to use red wine for facial treatment at home?

If you would visit spas and salons around the globe and check the prices of facial treatments containing red wine you’ll realize how expensive they are. Never mind, though, you can always replicate these expensive skin treatments at home as well at much lower expense. What you’ll need is a bottle of good wine and a few common ingredients which are most likely already in your kitchen. Beware, the final results vary depending upon the wine used. That’s because different wines have different strength and types of antioxidants. For example, wines like Cabernets, Shiraz and Merlots are high on procyanidin, while Pinot Noirs contains maximum levels of resveratrol.

You can use red wine in every step of facial treatment; cleansing, toning, scrubbing and facial massage. Let’s see how to use red wine in all these steps of facial treatments.

Face mask

1. Cleansing

Begin by wiping your face clean with a fresh, damp cloth. Mix 1 tbsp of lemon juice in 3-4 tbsp of red wine. Soak a cotton ball in this solution and dab it over the face and gently massage your skin with the mixture. Afterwards, wash it off with a tissue paper.

2. Exfoliating

You can also prepare an exfoliating lotion with red wine. Simply add a few tablespoons of a good natural exfoliator like coffee, ground rice, or sugar to wine. Mix them thoroughly to make a thick paste. Apply the prepared scrub on your face in a circular motion removing dirt and dead skin debris.

3. Massaging

Take rose water or aloe vera gel, and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and a tablespoon of red wine. Mix them well and use it to softly massage your face. You can use your fingertips to massage with the solution making sure that you cover all parts of the facial skin including chin, forehead and under eyes. This will improve blood circulation to the facial skin and benefit your entire face. You should massage for minimum 10 minutes, afterwards wipe your face clean.

4. Face pack

You can prepare a red wine face pack by mixing 2 tablespoon each of yogurt and red wine with 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture on your face and keep it for 15 minutes. Then, wash your face off with damp cloth.

So, now that you know how to prepare various facial treatments using red wine, it’s time to get started. You can either use all these steps together or individually as per your need.

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